Wednesday, June 2, 2010


So here I am in Tom Gato, poaching Moyiz's internet again on Rohan's computer. Luckily we have electricity this time, so the computer won't die during the middle of an email home. Today is market day, and I woke at 4 am to the sounds of merchant women bringing their wares to town, calls from my neighbors to friends on the road, a crowing rooster, and the sound of donkey, horse and mule hooves competing with the tap taps for space on the road. The tap taps honked noisily while the pack animals brayed, neighed, and left their manure along the path. Cheers to a beautiful day. :)

I miss home horribly, but the work here is worth it. Currently Moyiz and I are compiling a list of student activities, I'm conducting a study on local NGOs and cooperation with international NGOs and IGOs, and trying to run an entire university's administrative about a headache! It is fun, though, and I'm learning quite a bit.

Some of the places that I have passed in the past few days have been heartbreaking to witness, and the nonchalance with which the people here have learned to discuss the loss from the earthquake is both frightening and awe-inspiring. The Haitian people are truly amazing, and I am inspired every day to get up and work my hardest. Of course, when the heat of the day is so oppressive that you beg for rain, sometimes hard work is just walking the few kilometers across town needed to have a meeting...

I miss you all, and hope to talk with you soon!

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