Thursday, January 14, 2010

Long day

It's been a long frustrating day. There is still no word on many of my colleagues in Haiti, and even those in the states are hard to reach. A friend of mine wrote me on facebook, expressing his disdain at being stuck here, not being able to go to Haiti and work. My thoughts and feelings echo his.

Attempts at networking here in town seemed at first like they would be successful, but I'm beginning to realize that part of what distresses me abou culture in the USA is the tendency of individuals to say one thing, but mean another. The chamber of commerce 'doesn't like to get involved with fundraisers or donation drives' (a quote from the chair of the chamber...). The mayor was due to contact me hours ago, but hasn't. One woman who donated a box of goods gave expired lemonade mix among other items. Needless to say, I'm feeling a little down at the moment.

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