Friday, January 22, 2010

Tripping looks like I will be heading at least one, possibly two, teams of volunteers to Fondwa to help rebuild. We will be on site at some point in Spring/Summer, depending on everyone's schedules.

Today, I think it would be nice to type about something outside of Haiti, though. It's been a rough week +, and my brain and heart are exhausted. Let's tackle the thesis, and life in general (albeit briefly).

My thesis is a headache. In terms of organization, I want to redo the entire thing. Luckily, I have enough time to do so. The university has high expectations for me, and that fact is intimidating. At times, I want nothing more than to have this process behind me. My thoughts keep drifting to our desires to have a child, or two, or four. Something tells me that we will max out at two, after all, that's the replacement rate. That's not the actual reason, but it works well as an excuse. ;) I worry that I won't be a good mother, or will become the 'bad guy' to our kids. I guess parenting is something you have to take one day at a time, though.

At some point in the near future, I'm going to start going to the gym. I want to be healthy and happy with my weight before we get pregnant, and should be in good shape for Haiti as well. Right now I am 155 lbs., which is pretty hefty for a 5'3" frame, especially since my most comfortable adult weight was closer to 118 lbs. Weight lifting and running, here I come. It's hard to admit getting older...3 years ago I would have been hunting for pick-up sports leagues. Moving here took a lot of energy, and I wouldn't even know where to begin looking. Besides, pick-up sports would be more fun if the love of my life joined in, but he's too absorbed in office life to get involved in outdoor activities right now.

I haven't told the hubby yet, but I'll also be working with Habitat for Humanity as a volunteer starting in February. That should help with getting healthy, too.

Well, I'd say this entry was superficial enough... I'm gone for now.

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