Saturday, July 3, 2010

One more day in the life...

This morning I'm in Port au Prince with Reuben, recovering from yesterday's meeting and this morning's diarrhea. Considering my opinion of bureaucracy, there isn't really much difference between the two from where I'm sitting.
The past few weeks have been a flurry of activity, and I've written about 80 pages of journal entry. Those pages will become part of my book/thesis when I get back. ?Next week, marks a trip to Mexico, however. I'm looking forward to it. Time with the hub, and family. :)


One of the worst problems I've encountered in research here so far is my ability to adapt. In most cases, falling into native patterns and custims quickly is considered a good thing. Not from an anthropological standpoint, however. I need to learn to walk the line between observation and participation while remaining objective to the events going on around me. Not an easy task by a long shot.


Apologies to those of you who read this post on a regular basis. I had originally intended on putting more information up, complete with stories, pictures, and descriptions of life here. With limited internet access and electricity, that's relatively impossible. I do however, promise to provide a draft of the final book the chimpito and the mantis.

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