Friday, August 13, 2010


Well, I'm back in the US after the Haiti Excursion, and not quite used to it. In the meantime, dealing with the Target issue has become an interesting pass-time. Let's take a look at this:

Target, a corporation, has been endowed by the Supreme Court with rights that surpass those of an individual where campaign contributions are concerned. In fact, at this point, all corporations now have rights that go beyond those of the average voter. Joe Smith from Piddledunk, Arkansas can give a max of $3-5,000 in campaign contributions. Meanwhile, Target can give $150,000 to a single candidate. Something about that strikes me as legalized bribery...I'm all for corporate free speech, but not when it comes at such a high cost. Perhaps imposing a limit identical to that placed on individual voters could alleviate the conflict and equalize the playing field a bit...

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